Sunday, September 24, 2023

ROSEMARY the Herb, Essential Oil, and Hydrosol
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis is a popular herb in cooking, traditional healing, and aromatherapy – so very many uses. The parts of the herb that we use are the above ground part and the root. The characteristic of its flavor is refreshing, piney and pungent. In addition to being a condiment in food preparations, rosemary tea can serve as liver tonic, a mouthwash to rid bad breath, and for headaches. The herb can even be prepared as a decoction to use as a hair wash to address scalp problems, i.e., baldness, dandruff. AVOID rosemary in cases of high blood pressure and during pregnancy.

The Herb. The active components (carnosic and rosmarinic acids) in rosemary have powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic properties. This represents a three-pronged attack against many different diseases and pathogens that could threaten the immune system or damage the integrity of the body.

The health benefits of rosemary come from the presence of vitamin A, with its free radical-antioxidant properties. Rosemary also promotes healthy skin, strengthens vision, fights infection, and gives us great protection from lung and mouth cancers. Rosemary contains substances that are useful for stimulating the immune system, increasing circulation, and improving digestion. It also contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may make it useful for reducing the severity of asthma attacks.

The Essential Oil. When a distiller brews herbal plant material with water in a large cooker, the steam fills the pot and, as it rises, it causes the glands of the plants to burst and release the oils and essence of the plant into the steam. The oil rises through a condenser and collects in a separate vessel. This is what we know as an essential oil.

Essential oil “Chemotypes (CT)” are the naturally occurring chemical variants of an essential oil. Essential oils are complex mixes of chemicals that give each oil its unique aroma and healing properties. Essential Oil Chemotypes are important to consider when selecting an oil for aromatherapy or topical use, as the different chemotypes can have different effects on the body.

Rosemary Camphor [CT1] contains more of a constituent called camphor, and would therefore be more suitable for muscular aches and pains. Rosemary 1,8 Cineole [CT2] contains more 1,8-cineole, making it a better choice for respiratory conditions. Rosemary Verbenone [CT3] contains more verbenone, and as a result it would be better for skin conditions.

Rosemary has been used for centuries as a memory aid, and studies in aromatherapy using rosemary have corroborated some of these claims. One study found significant improvements in cognitive performance within 20minutes of inhaling rosemary essential oil.
The Hydrosol. Hydrosols are products from the same steam distilled plant materials that yields essential oils. Yet hydrosols are a separate area of study from essential oils, as hydrosol chemistry is different from the chemistry of essential oils. When essential oils are used to heal, their aroma plays a big part in that healing process. An essential oil and hydrosol distilled from the same plant may offer different therapeutic properties, unique methods of application, and different dosage requirements, safety issues and aromas.

Although these plants (and subsequent essential oils) are made up of different chemical components, they are not all chemotypes; and although they are extracted from the same species, they are not extracted from the same plant genus.

Essential oils extracted from the same plant species may look the same but are chemically different. Not all herbs’ essential oils have chemotypes. It is important to correctly identify both the plant species and the chemotype (CT) of an essential oil before using it for healing purposes. The Rosemary species produces at least three different genus’ that are used in aromatherapy.

Rosemary Camphor CT1 Rosmarinus officinalis hydrosol is a good mental and physical stimulant and mild diuretic; it can be useful while fasting to aid in detoxification, as it stimulates the liver and gallbladder, which would promote the release of bile and aid in the digestion of rich, fatty foods.

Rosemary CT2/1,8 Cineole Rosmarinus officinalis hydrosol is useful as a mucolytic – as it dissolves thick mucus, helps to loosen and clear mucus from respiratory passages and as such is used to help relieve breathing difficulties. Unfortunately, this chemotype is harder to source and has a much shorter shelf life than the other two.

Rosemary CT3 Verbenone Rosmarinus officinalis hydrosol is highly useful and safe for all ages, and an excellent source for treating the respiratory system and conditions of congestion and mucus. Combined with Inula (upcoming article) this hydrosol loosens phlegm in the lungs and sinus. Sniffling a few drops in the nostrils every morning in the winter keeps airways clean and moist (which can combat the congestion associated with central heating). Used topically as a hot compress for ear infections, rosemary verbenone speeds drainage of pus and disinfects. [DO NOT PUT HYDROSOL DIRECTLY IN THE EAR CANAL.]

Hydrosols are safer to use on open wounds, with children and the elderly. They can be used in creams, lotions, body sprays, and room sprays. The hydrosol will impart both fragrance and therapeutic benefits to your products. [Source: Hydrosols: The Next Aromatherapy, by Suzann Catty p.124-126]

In addition, rosemary has been shown to increase the blood flow to the head and brain, improving concentration. Rosemary has been linked to lower levels of cirrhosis and a faster healing time of the liver, which is one of the slowest organs to heal. It also reduces plasma liver enzymes, which may cause type-2 diabetes. It also lowers DHT (dihydrotestosterone) hormone, which helps improve prostate health and enhance hair growth (when combined with Cedar).

AVOID ROSEMARY in cases of high blood pressure and during pregnancy.

This information is to help balance your body’s natural healing energies, and is not intended as diagnosis, treatment, or cure. Check with your Dr before changing your health regimen. Email:; phone: 347-407-4312; ENERGETIC( NO-PAIN) PRANIC FACE LIFT: To view my upcoming book:

Friday, January 21, 2022

JUNIPER BERRIES (juniperus communis) as an herbal preparation, are primarily used for the treatment of urinary problems, like lumbar pains, uric acid buildup and gout. They are also used as an anti-inflammatory for arthritic and rheumatic ailments, as well as for indigestion and flatulence. The dried berries can be taken as a tea, made into a tincture, or powdered and taken in capsules.

They increase the appetite, aid digestion and increase the flow of urine as a stimulating diuretic. Juniper berries can help alleviate sciatica, rheumatic pains, gravel, bladder discharges, kidney problems, and swollen joints.

An excellent tea blend for acute rheumatism, sciatica, and lumbago: combine with gravel root. To address water retention use one ounce each of Juniper, cleavers, tansy, marshmallow, buchu leave and ¼ tsp cayenne - simmer the first 4 herbs for 20 minutes in 1quart water, pour this over the buchu and cayenne, cover and steep for 10min, strain and drink as necessary.

Juniper Berries influence the WATER ELEMENT, the first of the 5 Elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal), Water, governs the Kidneys (yin) and Bladder (yang), which are the source of vital energy for all organs.

The nature of the Water Element is associated with hearing (the ears are shaped like kidneys), the emotion of fear, the colors blue/black (like the colors of seas and rivers). When any of these aspects (and some others) are out of balance, symptoms like dread of cold, edema, inappropriate fear of things, diarrhea, impotence, premature ejaculation, lifeless dull hair, etc., manifest.

Herbs and essential oils are vital sources to restore balance and vital energy. The kidneys are responsible for the storage of energy, and though they mostly serve as filters of fluid wastes, they are always involved with deficiency symptoms and are most commonly associated with chronic diseases.

ESSENTIAL OIL (EO) of JUNIPER BERRIES: acts as a natural cleansing and detoxifying agent, and supports healthy kidney and urinary tract function, much like the source berries. Juniper oil is diuretic in nature, increasing both the frequency and volume of urination. Therefore, being very beneficial for people suffering from swelling due to minor or chronic renal failure. It also helps people lose weight because each time you urinate, some fats are lost from the body. This reduces blood pressure and removes extra salts and dangerous toxins like uric acid from the body.

Essential Oil Spray: used as a spray, it disinfects the air. Highly energetic, Juniper EO is one of the best for vibrational healing work. Mist a few sprays into your healing area and on your treatment table/chairs after each client to transmute any residual negative or unhealthy "vibes." Also, you can apply one drop to each hand, rub them together, and wipe them through the auric field to cleanse yourself. This oil also helps eliminate fear from one's etheric body.

Juniper Berry Hydrosol: this is an excellent choice for a cleanse, or as part of a weight-loss program. Use alone or in a blend both internally and topically. This is the hydrosol to use for gout, edema, rheumatic and arthritic conditions, and any water retention related issue. Source: "HYDROSOLS The Next Aromatherapy," by Suzanne Catty, p. 100

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Alteratives are the category of herbs used in treating the immune system, toxicity of the blood, infections, arthritis, cancer and skin eruptions. Alteratives help the body assimilate nutrients and eliminate waste products of metabolism.

Red clover (above) is used to treat cancer because of its effects on protein assimilation.

Echinacea (above) is used to neutralize acid conditions in the blood associated with a stagnation of lymphatic fluids because of its antiseptic properties.

Cascara sagrada (above) is used when a laxative is required to eliminate toxic conditions resulting from constipation.

Dandelion (above) root combines liver tonic properties and diuretic properties and is useful for treating chronic blood toxicity.

My favorite pair of Chinese liver herbs are bupleurum and peony, pictured above. Bupleurum acts as an anti-inflammatory, inhibits certain hepatitis viruses and growth of liver cancer cells.

Using liver herbs, together with intestinal cleansers, can work to directly release the burden of toxic overload that can, over time, have negative repercussions on all our body systems, and our state of mental health in general.

Send me an email to Inquire about my new herb courses, via Zoom, launching in March 2022 at ""


Sunday, September 5, 2021

FREE VIRTUAL HEALTH SYMPOSIUM: Changing Your Narrative for Healing

FREE VIRTUAL HEALTH SYMPOSIUM: Changing Your Narrative for Healing/>
E em Hotep. Greetings of Peace to you. As High Priestess, Mwt LaTrella Thornton, I am inviting you to our Fall natural healing event via Zoom – honoring the Fall Equinox 2021 - hosted by the Khepera Heru Healing and Learning Temple, Shrine of Het Heru. The theme for this cycle is REDEFINING YOUR TRUTHS: Changing your Narrative for Healing./>
In residence at the Temple is a group of unique, well-seasoned Healers, who are extensively qualified across a multitude of natural, holistic healing modalities – “Sekhmet’s Circle of Healers.” This season we have a special guest presenter at our Symposium, Brother Brian Nicholas./>
This Circle of Healers, who will be the Presenters for this Symposium, include: Nfr KaRaa SheshrAnkh, Applied Energy Worker and Wholistic Psychotherapist, will present "Mental Politricks;" Ayo Hinds-Bankole, Conscious Living Coach, Certified Womb Wellness Specialist, and Aromatherapist, will present "Conscious Eating;" Mwt LaTrella Thornton, Shaman and Spiritual Healer, will present "Is Darkness/Blackness Evil?;" Brian Nicholas, Acupuncturist and Pranic Healer, will present “Nourishing Our Life Energy from Within;” Zakiyyah MaaKhepera-Ast, Master Herbalist, Reiki & Pranic (Energy) Healer, and Essential Oil Specialist will present "Power-Up Your Medicine Cabinet;" and Jessica W. Bonds, Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist, Reiki Practitioner, and Sound Therapist will present "Decluttering Your Mind and Space.” />
Please register NOW to reserve your place. We’re looking forward to seeing you. Registration link:
The “Healing Symposium” will be a FREE event in Honor and Celebration of the Virtues of Het Heru Ntchrt. We will provide experiential presentations encompassing a full range of alternative healing workshops covering: Nutrition, Thinking, Self-Healing, Decluttering, Meditation and Energy Modalities./>
Please join us on Saturday, September 25, 2021 from 11am to 5pm. This invitation is being extended to you personally, however, please feel free to share with family and friends. If you've attended more than one of our events you are probably on more than one of our email lists - if so, please accept our apology if you receive this invite more than once. Please see the attached flyer./>
After you register, you will receive more information about the Healers and details of their individual workshops./>
Please register NOW to reserve your place. We’re looking forward to seeing you. Registration link:

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

FREE "Self-Healing" Workshops / PLUS Herb Course: The Yin & Yang of Herbs and Essential Oils

Greetings All, I am thrilled to be writing you this post from a personal email, as an invitation to various upcoming workshops and events that I have created to help you achieve optimal health "naturally" and more easily. After the initial run of the 6 FREE Mini Zoom workshops that were scheduled the 1st and 3rd Thursdays this May, June and July, I am very pleased with the response and have decided to permanently extend the FREE workshops indefinitely.

The FREE "INTEGRATIVE SELF-HEALING" Workshops will continue the 1st Thursday of every month at 7:30pm. We will continue to discuss herbs and essential oil uses and their applications for natural, self-healing, followed by a FREE energy Pranic Healing session at the end for all in attendance.

For the 50 or so of you that registered for the workshops, I sincerely hope that you found the herbal formulas and essential oil blends (for salt baths to relieve stress, for making your own soaps, pain relief oils and EOs and herbs for strengthening the respiratory system) beneficial and worthwhile of your time. It was exciting for me, and a pleasure to serve soo many in our communities around the country . . . . from Chicago to Atlanta to Washington to Ohio, Penns to DC to Florida to South Carolina to California to Texas to Maryland to Virginia, and of course New York and New Jersey.

The July 1st Workshop has been cancelled - as I will be in Brooklyn setting up for the 50th Anniversary INT'L AFRICAN ARTS FESTIVAL. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE. I am Booth #35 in the Muntu section.

The July 15th Workshop has also been cancelled - but REPLACED WITH THE FIRST CLASS OF THE HERB COURSE . . . which will occur every 3rd Thursday thereafter @ 7:30pm and every 3rd Saturday @ 10am - please express via separate email, your desire to register, so that I can send registration information and the Zoom link.

If you plan on attending the FREE INTEGRATIVE: SELF-HEALING workshops (the 1st Thursday each month), we'll be using some of the oils from the Herb Course (specific oils to heal each of the organs) for our energy Self-Healing sessions. So you might want to purchase a couple of them in advance of the class (you won't need them until the Aug. 5th class [EOs for the kidneys/bladder: Juniper Berries or Black Spruce, and Cloves or Lemon - or all 4]). You don't need any essential oils for our energy healing sessions - it's just extra practical experience.

My email: / phone: 347-407-4312

If you plan on registering for the Herb Course (the 3rd Thursdays and Saturdays of each month, $45 per class), the oils to heal each of the organs you will learn about, we will have practical application during our energy healing sessions during our FREE workshops. So you might want to purchase a couple of them in advance of the class (you won't need them before the Aug. 19th class [EOs for the kidneys/bladder: Juniper Berries or Black Spruce, and Cloves or Lemon - or all 4]). You don't need to purchase any essential oils for our herb course classes - it's just for extra practical experience.

Below are the course descriptions for the available courses, beginning July 15th.

If you plan on attending our FREE INTEGRATIVE: SELF-HEALING workshops, here is the LINK to register for the first class, August 5th:

You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Aug 5, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Please egister in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

If you wish to register for the Herb Course (the first class is Thursday, July 15th), please send me an email requesting the Zoom link for Registration.

My email: / phone: 347-407-4312

Sunday, May 2, 2021

FREE 6-Part Mini-Series Herbs, Essential Oils & Energy Medicine Healing


Greetings of Peace,

Join our FREE "Integrative SELF-HEALING of Mind, Body and Emotions" workshops.

I'm sorry if you missed my April 22nd introductory "Access FREE Healing" Zoom workshop, but don't worry . . . . I got you! My 'Sacred Healing 7 Herb Center' has just what you need to "raise the bar" on your personal tools and skills to address, and help resolve, your health challenges.

We've created a series of six mini-workshops to address a variety of health issues many of us experience as daily challenges. These workshops will share herbal and essential oil remedies, and will also include crystal and energy healing techniques to raise your vibrations to also heal the body, mind and emotions. "Integrative SELF-HEALING of Mind, Body and Emotions."

The Education Department of my 'Sacred Healing 7 Herb Center' is "Herbs are Nature's Medicine," (which provides books, seminars and health symposiums) and will be hosting this 6 part series of mini-workshops. For this 6-part "Herbs are Nature's Medicine" mini-series (every other Thursday evening from May 6th thru July 15th), each 1-hour Workshop will cover crystals, herbal and essential oil remedies for different organs and systems in the body, as well as various applications for healing (teas, foot bath, body wash, pain oil blends and essential oil salt bath blends) you can make yourself. At the end of each workshop we will discuss crystal and energy healing techniques and applications. You will also have the opportunity to schedule your own private Health Profile Consultation session with me.

The Energy Medicine Department of the 'Sacred Healing 7 Herb Center' is "Crystal & Energy Healing," - and as part of this mini-series, will share the impact that certain crystals and energy healing have on your ability to improve your health and vitality. You will also have the opportunity to schedule private and family healing sessions, as well as the opportunity to order custom crystal jewelry pieces to raise your healing energy.

To help CRUSH the COVID pandemic, the May 6th workshop will cover herbs (from the kitchen) and essential oils to treat respiratory challenges and strengthen the lungs and the immune system. We will discuss natural remedies to help resolve asthma and strengthen our "deep breathing" that the masks prevent us from experiencing.

You are invited to attend one or all of this series' "Herbs are Nature's Medicine" FREE Zoom workshops. PLEASE SHARE THE LINK WITH FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES.

~ ~ ~

The first one is: May 6, 2021 @ 7:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Please register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

With Love, Gratitude, and Respect,

ThAnkh You & Much Merrr (Myrrh/Love)