Thursday, February 20, 2014

FEATURED CRYSTAL/GEMSTONE 1 of 2 for FEBRUARY: Red Coral: The Blood of Mother Earth

One of the greatest Healing Gifts from the Creator are Crystals.  They are created out of the energy that lies deep within Mother Earth, and interact with the human energy field to heal, calm, stimulate or adjust the energies within it to bring the body back into balance. They are beneficial for men, women and children, animals and the environment. Crystals also work on the mind, attitudes and emotions, instilling a feeling of well-being, neutralizing negativity, lifting depression and assisting in the coordination of both the mind and body.

Coral was once believed to be a plant, but it is now known to actually contain  living animals called polyps.  It's formation is the result of accumulated skeletal masses from these polyps.

Red Coral quiets the emotions and dispels feelings of despair and despondency. It encourages a passionate energy, and stimulates and strengthens female reproductive organs through tissue regeneration.  Red is considered the most sought after color but coral also can be found in pink, white, yellow and black.  Red symbolizes life and blood force energy and stimulates the bloodstream; pink restores harmony to the heart and is used as an aid to depression, lethargy or deficient nutrition. Coral can also be used in the treatment of calcium deficiencies, and dysfunctions in the spinal canal and nervous system. It is helpful with broken bones and enhancing the assimilation of vitamins A and D, and has been used to protect the muscular system from atrophy.

Red Coral is held as a precious healer for women's menstruation cycle and fertility; and it works great for men as well, as it holds a deep healing vibration for the Spleen meridian for blood circulation, and to purify the kidneys and bladder.

I do a lot of work with healing crystals and stones for the chakras, and make custom jewelry to restore balance to the emotional bodies. I took advantage of this past Presidents' Day 3-day weekend and did a lot of work with red coral and turquoise, some pieces of turquoise with lapis lazuli and carnelian, and others with turquoise and black tourmaline. Here is one piece with a silver charm of Auset (Isis) attached.  The other pieces can be viewed on my website home page:

If you have any questions about crystals, crystal work or the chakras, let me know.  I will also be sharing some postings on healing your chakras in the very near future. I hope you found this posting interesting and helpful.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

BIKRAM YOGA for Stress, Obesity, Cancer and Diabetes

For over 35 years I have studied and taught martial arts, tai chi, yoga (Hatha and Upa), meditation (Jain), reflexology, with many work outs in the gym, running, jumping and weight lifting, saunas, sweat lodges and steam baths . . . but none has offered the COMPLETE physical, spiritual, mental and emotional HEALING that I've found in BIKRAM YOGA. 

PRACTICING BIKRAM YOGA helps fight stress, obesity, cancer and diabetes. SERIOUSLY!  My home studio for practicing in NYC is at Bikram Yoga East Harlem which is located at 4 East 116th Street off 5th Avenue on the 2nd and 3rd floors (, 212-369-1830.

Can't run or jump or lift weights . . . try the slow, at-your-own-pace and at-your-own-level "Bikram Yoga."  With regular practice the heat will burn the calories and the stress, and allow your muscles and internal organs to stretch, relax and FLUSH TOXINS.  You will GLOW, inside and out.  You will feel the difference within the first few classes and your BODY WILL BEG FOR MORE.  You will begin to heal aches, pains and disease, eliminate bad eating habits and cravings, and handle stress with astonishing ease.

I made this calendar as an educational and instructional guide to show you how each posture benefits your mental and spiritual and physical and emotional health and balance.

Get yours today . . . see the side page "Personalized Keepsakes Website" for a direct link.