Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cramp Free Periods, Naturally!

Cramp Free Periods, Naturally!


Uterine cramping is a normal process of a woman’s monthly menstrual cycle. The uterine muscle, the myometrium, contracts to help dispel the monthly moon blood.
uterus 2
The above picture is a bit detailed but does show you the myometrium.  Above the myometrium is the endometrium.  This is the layer, inside your uterus, that builds up monthly with blood, blood vessels, and tissue.  When an egg is fertilized, this pumped up endometrium is a fine place for the egg to land and implant. No fertilized egg and the built up endometrium must be shed.  This is your menstrual period.
Cramps, ah those nasty, painful cramps. I remember my mom making me tea with whiskey in it.  As a young adult, I changed the recipe a slight bit.  Black tea was swapped out and chamomile tea brought in. I would add a good full dropper of black cohosh tincture into the tea, with a bit of local / raw honey, and sip away. What a fabulous, and tasty, way to calm the pain of the uterine cramps. Herbs to the rescue!
Black cohosh is an antispasmodic to your muscles, nerves, and blood vessels and is a muscle anti-inflammatory. Black Cohosh contains the anti-inflammatory salicylic acid (the active ingredient in aspirin), among several other natural chemical constituents that create the anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects.
Native Americans and traditional community herbalist have used black cohosh, from the beginning of time, to ease female reproductive concerns and aid in labor and delivery.
When American Physicians still practiced plant-based medicine, they administered black cohosh for female reproductive problems, including menstrual cramps and bleeding irregularities, as well as uterine and ovarian pain.
I am offering chamomile and black cohosh as a suggestion to avoid using over the counter and prescriptions drugs that are synthetic.  Nature knows best.
Other aids for menstrual cramps are living a natural lifestyle:
  • Whole food eating: our bodies function best when not polluted by factory made food products and instead nourished by 100% whole foods.  Every organ functions as it should when it is nourished and healthy.
  • Movement: a female who is physically active has less or no problems with menstrual cramping
  • Age: young girls, just starting their moon cycles, are more apt to feel the pain of heavy menstrual cramps.  As we move through adolescence and our bodies develop, hormones balance out, the cramping lessens.  After I had my first son, no more menstrual cramps!
  • Switch from tampons to a menstrual cup.  Many women report far less cramping when they stop using tampons and use pads or a menstrual cup.
  • Take herbs to nourish and balance the female reproductive organs so they function in the way nature intended.
  • Yoga: is an amazing healing tool. Yoga brings body, mind, and soul together and balances all body functions.
  • Acupuncture: this helps balance the flow of healing energy in your body. I can not recommend it enough!
These are good recommendations to get you started on your female healing plan. As you are working towards healing your body and bringing balance back to your physical, emotional, and spiritual self, rely on the chamomile tea and black cohosh to ease the monthly uterine contractions that create painful energy.
If you have natural ways you use to deal with menstrual cramps, share here please.

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